Randy celebrates 20 years of teaching for Des Moines Public Schools this year. 20 years! of teaching!
Randy appreciating the gift of appreciation he received
The umbrella did come in handy as all you DesMoines-ians (and the Midwest actually) know with this rainy weather we’ve been having. Good job Randy. I love you and am so thankful for your longevity (ooohh). Could I have your umbrella please?!
This week I am going to start blogging about a subject I’ve been wanting to blog about for awhile. Volunteering! Volunteering (I will quit being redundant hopefully) is such a good thing.
This weekend, Randy and I volunteered for North High School Band Boosters: we helped to run the concession stand at John Grubb Stadium for a youth track meet. It was fun! And the youth and adults who were our customers were very appreciative and polite.
Hats off to all you wonderful people!
Okay, so yea, volunteering. Performing a service voluntarily. Think about what you’ve done in this regard……and how it benefited others! Good huh!
Anyway, when you have children and are an active member of any community, you will be called to volunteer. My first memory of volunteering was for Meals on Wheels. More to come on that!
Have a great week! School is out for the summer on Wednesday. Be safe and love your children and neighbors. Volunteer to help!
My professional rehabilitation counseling practice is focused on helping people find a place in the workforce.
* Vocational Resources Plus, LLC * lcpresourcesplus.com *