Job Analysis ~ It’s All About the Job, Not the Person, Dummy!

Reading Time: 3 minutes

A job analysis is a process that will identify and determine in detail the particular job functions and activities, interactions within the physical environment, work conditions, requirements for a particular job, expected or desired productivity, vocational qualities, and the relative importance of all these factors combined. Whew! 

To continue on, the process of a job analysis involves collecting data on a job or occupation and making judgments about its relevancy. While data may be collected from incumbents through interviews or questionnaires, the product of the analysis is about specifications of the job, not a description of the person.

An important concept of a job analysis is that the analysis is conducted of the Job, not the Person, Dummy!

Now you may ask, what’s the difference between a job analysis and a job description? Well, a job description is a document indicating what a job covers, i.e. tasks, duties, and responsibilities attached to a job and their relative importance.

And, in finer terms, a job analysis means an in-depth examination and evaluation of a particular job to help determine a “best fit”.

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“the best fit!”

The outcome of analysis is documentation! And the information collected can be used in a variety of ways to write a job description for example, or to start considering accommodations as another.

I enjoy analyzing jobs. And even more enjoyable is learning from others about work. The process of analysis allows me to get “nitty and gritty” (and think of the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band and the fact members Jeff Hanna, Jimmie Fadden, Bob Carpenter have performed together since 1966!) about details, and include research to promote the smartest and safest way of performing a particular job. 

BTW, I saw the NGDB in downtown Des Moines at an outdoor concert a few years ago and they were great! My opinion is that all jobs, performed with greatness, are amazing! Thank you for doing yours to your best ability.

Call me ~ Amy at 515-778-0634 or email me at for help with analyzing a job or two! You may be surprised of what you’ll find to help you make decisions on a litigated case involving work and disability.

Ask me about my specialty in forensics…starting from a goal and moving backwards while documenting all data and evidence generated! Forensics is my specialty!

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My professional consulting practice focuses on helping attorneys help their clients with civil litigation matters.


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