Take a little time to think about your early interests in life while watching this eye opening You Tube video ~ Childhood Interests Can Help You Find the Right Career which portrays a powerful connection between childhood interests and your career.
The first business I started in my youth was a baby sitting service (not just being a sitter, it was a service)! I recruited help from my neighborhood friends and we worked as a team to provide “having fun while caring for your children” services to customers. We called our team “The Sheiks” but I can’t remember why we used that name. Could be because we played a lot of dress up and had a lot of shows, mostly in the street for all to come and watch us perform!
Basically, I have been an entrepreneur ever since!
Let me know how I might help you or your client find the right career.
My professional rehabilitation counseling practice is focused on helping people participate in the world around them, particularly in their own world of work.
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