How My Past has Brought Me to The Present – as a Rehab Counselor! Part 4

Reading Time: 5 minutesMy story leading up to my career as a rehabilitation counselor who focuses on job placement continues! Many of my first jobs in the big city of Des Moines, Iowa were secured through temporary staffing agencies.  I find the benefit of staffing agencies invaluable! From a personal perspective, working for a staffing agency really helped me to… Continue reading How My Past has Brought Me to The Present – as a Rehab Counselor! Part 4

Why I Got Into Rehab Counseling….I Love Placement and Life, Too! – Part 3

Reading Time: 6 minutesHERE IS MY STORY, continued oN – Part 3 To understand my passion for job placement (and caring for others!), I’ve blogged about my former jobs and learning experiences.  This helps me (but I do feel kinda old going waaaayy back in time) look at a variety of occupations from a unique advantage.  Thank you for… Continue reading Why I Got Into Rehab Counseling….I Love Placement and Life, Too! – Part 3

My Passion for Job Placement! Here is My Story – Part 2

Reading Time: 6 minutesTo understand my passion for job placement, let me tell you a little about some of the jobs and experiences I’ve had growing up.  I mentioned in an earlier post the fact that childhood interests can help you find the right career.  This is so true! My first job at age 13 was babysitting (okay,… Continue reading My Passion for Job Placement! Here is My Story – Part 2

How did I Get Into Rehab Counseling? Here’s a Little Story

Reading Time: 5 minutesTo understand my passion for rehabilitation counseling (my beloved career), let me first tell you a little about myself. HERE IS MY STORY – Part 1: As a September baby  – I’m a Virgo! I was born in 1963 in Libertyville, Illinois, into a hard working family.  My parents are from Chicagoland.  During my infancy… Continue reading How did I Get Into Rehab Counseling? Here’s a Little Story

Prochnow Family Halloween Fun 1969!

Reading Time: 3 minutesHere I am with my brothers and sisters posing for a great pre-trick or treating photo shoot that highlights our personalities!  Prochnow Halloween Fun 1969! From right to left, Julie (not wanting to have too much fun); Michael (the only unique patterned cat, without paws); Janice (the middle cat, before bubbly got braces); Steven (the… Continue reading Prochnow Family Halloween Fun 1969!

I Retired from Writing for Women’s Edition…Skills Gain!

Reading Time: 4 minutes[Repost 10/22/2015] I retired from my stint as a freelance magazine story writer for Women’s Edition after enjoying monthly job assignments from January 2012 through September 2013. Shortly afterwards, the magazine’s owner and founder left our Des Moines, market. They continue to publish from Omaha, Lincoln, Denver and Colorado Springs. I gained many skills, read… Continue reading I Retired from Writing for Women’s Edition…Skills Gain!

Happy Labor Day to All of Iowa’s Workers!

Reading Time: 4 minutes(Original Post Date 9/7/2015) Iowa has a great reputation for strong work ethic! We know it! And from what I’ve heard, ask most any Floridian employer and if you’re from Iowa, you applied and you got the skills….you’re hired!! Click here for a free online Occupational Work Ethic Inventory (OWEI). Personally, I am incredibly proud of… Continue reading Happy Labor Day to All of Iowa’s Workers!

We Celebrated Our Silver Wedding Anniversary!

Reading Time: 4 minutesOriginal post 8/31/2015.  Whew…what a month!  On the 1st and 2nd of August, I helped to deliver a women’s retreat at my parish and then over the following couple of weeks, I finished up the CRHP formation process. On August 4th, we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. I am annoyed at myself that we didn’t… Continue reading We Celebrated Our Silver Wedding Anniversary!

The Peacock: Poem, Feathers and Symbolism in My Life

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe Peacock written by Amy E. Botkin 1/24/15 CRHP Retreat Look past the strutting and into the beauty. As the morning begins, we praise. The sun shines through the multicolored stained glass. We reflect on our journey through life. Our hearts flutter at joy in such holy surroundings. The mixing of colors, teal, green, yellow, blue….they glow, spread, encompass….our hearts,… Continue reading The Peacock: Poem, Feathers and Symbolism in My Life

Happy Adoption Anniversary Nick and Randy!

Reading Time: 4 minutesToday (original posting date June 9, 2016) is the 22nd anniversary of Nickolas Andrews’ adoption day by Randy! I remember it well, June 9, 1993. One funny memory is when the judge asked the barely 4-year-old Nick if his “new” dad played with him. Nick paused quite awhile, thought, and then said no. Yes he did!… Continue reading Happy Adoption Anniversary Nick and Randy!