Got Questions? Ask the Vocational Expert!

Reading Time: 4 minutesMy work is helpful during litigation following an injury or condition that leads to disability.  In any type of litigation, if the disability or limitation is significant, more than likely there will be questions about work and future earnings. In fact, a multitude of questions will arise as the case develops. As a well-trained and… Continue reading Got Questions? Ask the Vocational Expert!

Conflicting Medical Opinions? Handle With Care!

Reading Time: 8 minutesUpon referral of a vocational case, I review a variety of  medical data, for example, treating physician reports, functional capacity evaluations, independent medical evaluations and if available psychological data like psychometric testing, psychological evaluations, and psychiatric evaluations found within the file. During a litigated claim that involves work and disability, it’s important for me to… Continue reading Conflicting Medical Opinions? Handle With Care!

Need to Retain a Vocational Expert? I’m Here to Help on My Birthday!

Reading Time: 3 minutesAs a forensic rehabilitation consultant, I could be available as your next retained expert!   Are you in need of someone like me? My unique consulting services help attorneys identify insights into a litigated case while first-hand testimony helps others to understand it.  In fact, listing me as an expert may spark movement in the… Continue reading Need to Retain a Vocational Expert? I’m Here to Help on My Birthday!

I Sued the Railroad Over 40 Years Ago. Think I Won?

Reading Time: 4 minutesI’ve written about my 1979 car/train collision, which is part of my memory bank that becomes revisited from time to time  especially when June 15th of each year rolls around! Here’s a bit more about the story:  While hospitalized following surgery on my head and on my right arm, I was administered an IV bag… Continue reading I Sued the Railroad Over 40 Years Ago. Think I Won?

Need A Good Report? Rebut No Matter What!

Reading Time: 5 minutesI was taught that vocational report writing is a very powerful form of communication and can influence the degree of success for the individual for whom it was written.  I love to communicate through the written word and have written many, many, reports! Blog posts too! So this blog is to be sure you, my Attorney… Continue reading Need A Good Report? Rebut No Matter What!

It Finally Arrived! My Forensic Rehabilitation Counseling Graduate Certificate!

Reading Time: 4 minutesA post from October 6, 2014 (Oh my!): I’ve been waiting for my graduate certificate in Forensic Rehabilitation Counseling from The George Washington University! It finally arrived in my mail box, hard copy and gorgeous! GWU’s colors are blue and buff! The Forensic Rehabilitation Counseling program took well over a year, and I’m happy to… Continue reading It Finally Arrived! My Forensic Rehabilitation Counseling Graduate Certificate!

I’m A Lot Like A Mole…Fortunately to Help You on a Legal Case!

Reading Time: 5 minutesOkay, so I do something I’m not so sure many other people chose to do and it’s clearly an inherited trait.  Dad did it too. Okay, it’s…it’s…I’ll just come out and tell you. I use bar soap and I use the soap until it is totally gone. And I mean totally!  I don’t waste soap… Continue reading I’m A Lot Like A Mole…Fortunately to Help You on a Legal Case!

Big Miss Steak…Cut Your Meat, Chew A Lot and Eat Slowly!

Reading Time: 5 minutesWe humans make some big mistakes. It’s those misguided or wrong actions or judgments that range from simple to complex that can cause alarm and then when understood and corrected can turn into an unforgettable learning experience. My family and a couple of the kid’s friends had Florida travel plans in June of 2017 to… Continue reading Big Miss Steak…Cut Your Meat, Chew A Lot and Eat Slowly!

Here’s Link, One Love in My Son’s Life & He Got Married!

Reading Time: 4 minutesIf you’ve noticed, I like to add links to my posts. I hope you’ve found something interesting to read when you read more and more into my blog posts! Ironically, I have a grand dog named Link! He belongs to my son Jacob and his wife Bridget! More to come on this news below! LinkyPooPoo… Continue reading Here’s Link, One Love in My Son’s Life & He Got Married!

Blending Art and Science…to Help Litigated Cases! I Can Help You Help Your Clients!

Reading Time: 5 minutesI’m intrigued about the “difference” between art and science. It’s easy to say art is subjective while science is objective. Fundamentally, art expresses knowledge, while science is the system of acquiring knowledge. Yet in many ways art and science are actually connected and related to each other. Kinda like a couple with waaay cheap sunglasses! … Continue reading Blending Art and Science…to Help Litigated Cases! I Can Help You Help Your Clients!