Simply Yet Methodically Defined…Transferable Skills Unfold During Vocational Assessment!

Reading Time: 5 minutesAs a fundamental guide, I agree with and adopted a simple definition of “transferable skills” as: those versatile skills that can be used effectively in a number of different roles. Good definition! Transferable skills are universal skills — you can transfer them from one type of work to another without much effort on your part… Continue reading Simply Yet Methodically Defined…Transferable Skills Unfold During Vocational Assessment!

The Many Uses and Benefits of Vocational Evaluations

Reading Time: 2 minutesVocational assessment and evaluation services become an integral component in vocational rehabilitation. Depending on the perspective, the service I offer is useful for many different applicable purposes and offers many corresponding benefits. And I’ll provide the best service you need at the right time! A vocational assessment and evaluation can be used to: prepare a… Continue reading The Many Uses and Benefits of Vocational Evaluations

Happy 56th Birthday Randy! Get on Your Bike and Ride!

Reading Time: 3 minutesHappy 56th Birthday to my husband Randy! September 29 is also Randy’s mother’s birthday. Marylin would’ve turned 76 today. She’s been in heaven for 20 years now. How many women have babies on their birthdays? Pretty cool, huh! I’m curious of the odds. The lines from from the Beatles Birthday Song from the White Album… Continue reading Happy 56th Birthday Randy! Get on Your Bike and Ride!

Happy 21st Anniversary Vocational Resources Plus! Read On for My Opinion on a Current Subject Matter!

Reading Time: 4 minutesThis blog is a continuation of last years 20th Anniversary congrats to my company, where I posted numerous roses. This year I have these beauties to share! These white roses are on my desk, and if you look closely you can see Alaska’s picture, bottom right. She is also below my desk, where she likes… Continue reading Happy 21st Anniversary Vocational Resources Plus! Read On for My Opinion on a Current Subject Matter!

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 FAQs

Reading Time: 3 minutesAmericans with Disabilities Act of 1990 FAQs What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed by President George H. W. Bush on July 26, 1990. As a civil rights law, the ADA prohibits discrimination of individuals with disabilities. To do so, the ADA ensures equal employment opportunities,… Continue reading Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 FAQs

Blending Art and Science…to Help Litigated Cases! I Can Help You Help Your Clients!

Reading Time: 5 minutesI’m intrigued about the “difference” between art and science. It’s easy to say art is subjective while science is objective. Fundamentally, art expresses knowledge, while science is the system of acquiring knowledge. Yet in many ways art and science are actually connected and related to each other. Kinda like a couple with waaay cheap sunglasses! … Continue reading Blending Art and Science…to Help Litigated Cases! I Can Help You Help Your Clients!

Disability Employment Awareness Month & A Story About Pumpkin Man

Reading Time: 3 minutesFeel the October days fly through the surrounding air! The gorgeous trees, the beautiful and interesting as always weather, and the bounty upon us is incredible. Had any pumpkin bread yet? Yummy! October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2019  where you’ll find resources about National Disability Employment Awareness Month and  a historical timeline of… Continue reading Disability Employment Awareness Month & A Story About Pumpkin Man

Emotional Intelligence and Expert Testimony…Stay in the Ship!

Reading Time: 3 minutesI want to touch a bit more on emotional intelligence from a previous blog on the subject of EQ. Basically, emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive emotions in yourself and sense the emotional needs in others. I study this interpersonal skill and certainly am not an emotional master, but I constantly challenge myself to… Continue reading Emotional Intelligence and Expert Testimony…Stay in the Ship!

Emotions and Changing Your Mind…Don’t Lose Your Keys & Don’t Delay Contacting Me For Help on Your Litigated Case!

Reading Time: 4 minutesI’ve mentioned in past blogs that I’d write more about my brother. We referred to him as: (and his name has to be said really fast) Steven John Patrick Henry Murphy Fred George John Prochnow. Yep! And this is all I’m writing about my brother at this time because I chose to change my mind… Continue reading Emotions and Changing Your Mind…Don’t Lose Your Keys & Don’t Delay Contacting Me For Help on Your Litigated Case!

Intimidators: Tailgaters, Drunken Jerks or Glaring Attorneys? Need an Expert? I’m Here to Help!

Reading Time: 3 minutesRemember the last time someone tried to intimidate you? How about when a person (for example, that careless tailgater or the drunk in the same beer line as you) may think they can make another person do something or react in some way? Exceed the posted speed limit ~ NOPE! Pay attention to public intoxication… Continue reading Intimidators: Tailgaters, Drunken Jerks or Glaring Attorneys? Need an Expert? I’m Here to Help!