I can help you, my Attorney Reader, in a number of ways with a case you’re working on that involves work and disability, whether it be medical malpractice, personal injury, wrongful death, workers’ compensation or any other litigation along these lines. Actually, disability doesn’t have to be involved, yet when is tends to make a case more complex!
One way I can help you is to design creative questions skillfully as part of the discovery process allowing a much deeper inquiry into the person’s “world of work”.
My goal is to inspire you even more to do what you love to do which is ask questions, right!? And to be the best attorney you can be, double right!!
I’m sure questions you ask a deponent include those to: determine the nature of previous jobs; amount of money making; for whom s/he was working; why employment was terminated; and what qualifications and experience s/he had for the type of work s/he was doing [when injured].
You also question what work the individual has done, if any since the disabling condition, describing job duties; and determining previous employers and earnings. Questions posed to encourage a deponent to detail what it is s/he can and cannot do are important, too.
These are all good questions from you yes, and critical of course (although kinda boring in my humble opinion!). Would it help you to have at your fingertips specifically designed questions (based on evidence to date) at deposition that will produce a much deeper inquiry into the person’s vocational background? I get excited when I think of sooo many other questions you could ask that really get into the meat of the matter!
I’ve heard 90% of malpractice cases are settled before trial, and the deposition often is the turning point in those cases. I’d like to help you prepare questions that will lead to responses offering plenty of material for you to work on your case. My aim is to help you skin that cat in many ways and be ready for the most likely responses from your witness.
My hope is that my help with your deposing techniques is valuable pre-trial as well as if the transcript is used for court. Plus, please keep in mind, I can definitely help you in more ways to better understand the individual’s disabling condition. A life care plan is perfect for that! Expert witness and testimony services are available as well.
I am here to help you help your client!
Call me ~ Amy Botkin at 515-778-0634 or send me an email message at amyebotkin@lcpresourcesplus.com and I’ll get back to you.
Good luck with your legal work. Keep me in mind for to help you during any depositions involving work and disability. I’m Here to Help You…Depose & More!
Thank you for reading! Do you want to really know that you love your job as an attorney? Here’s a link to an assessment titled why-do-you-do-your-work-you-may-be-in-love that can help you find out!
My professional consulting practice focuses on helping attorneys help their clients with civil litigation matters.