Pops is Tops! Thank You Randy for all your Hard Work in Alternative Education!

Reading Time: 3 minutes Original post date: April 28, 2015 Thank you for congratulating Randy, news writer Mike! In thinking about it, all in all it’s a pretty cool deal! Last week he kinda had enough with being the celebrity (ha ha ha!) Randy was in the newspaper, on television news, in various internet stories, and on a digital… Continue reading Pops is Tops! Thank You Randy for all your Hard Work in Alternative Education!

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I Agree, Whatever Makes You Happy You Put in Your World! How About a Chocolate Long John!

Reading Time: 4 minutes As I wrote about last week, Randy received the 2015 Alternative Educator of the Year! At the April 21, 2015 Des Moines Public School District Board Meeting he received recognition. Randy endured quite a bit of silliness and a lot of congratulations from his co-workers at Scavo High School about this “award” but all in all, be… Continue reading I Agree, Whatever Makes You Happy You Put in Your World! How About a Chocolate Long John!

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Congrats to the 2015 Alternative Educator of the Year!

Reading Time: 3 minutes Randall Botkin wins The IAAE Educator of the Year Award! ~ Educator of the Year ~ The Educator of the Year is presented annually to the alternative educator who is making a significant contribution to alternative education in Iowa. This award will honor one individual each year who is making an outstanding contribution to his/her students, school… Continue reading Congrats to the 2015 Alternative Educator of the Year!

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Creative Cover Letters Entice Your Reader

Reading Time: 3 minutes I decided from my last blog (so many choices!) to write about me looking for temporary work…. Last year, I applied for a temporary part-time academic counselor position at DMACC. The position was focused on young “at-risk” students. I share my cover letter (which wanted the applicant to address certain characteristics or skills in the cover… Continue reading Creative Cover Letters Entice Your Reader

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A T on My Finger and Action Green

Reading Time: 3 minutes Okay, after blogging recently about my forgetfulness when it comes to certain situations, I admit yet another one. Right before Christmas I found my DMACC graduation certificate, with Randy’s Saydel High School diploma (yep, stashed them in a good spot alright.)  I’ve been curious where my DMACC diploma was hiding. Here it is! My DMACC Associate… Continue reading A T on My Finger and Action Green

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A Success Story About A Veteran I Was Proud To Help

Reading Time: 3 minutes Following through with my last post on honesty, here’s the success story I mentioned: During the placement process, I assess the client on his or her take of honesty at work using interview techniques, a self-report scale, and ensuing discussion. I’ve heard great stories.  I remember one client, a veteran I helped ~10 years ago when… Continue reading A Success Story About A Veteran I Was Proud To Help

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Be Honest, Save A Purse! Keeping Track is a Necessary Skill in My Work

Reading Time: 2 minutes Recently, I freaked out…the adrenalin spiked quickly the moment I fully realized it was gone. This was a wild mind body stressful experience!  You know what I mean (I hope, if not, and you don’t carry a purse, well, read no further..!) Ever lost your wallet? Anything realllly important? You look everywhere, and then your… Continue reading Be Honest, Save A Purse! Keeping Track is a Necessary Skill in My Work

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I’ve Served as a Guinea Pig. Wheek! Wheek!

Reading Time: 2 minutes More on volunteering. As you will see, I have on my resume that I have experience as a guinea pig! Yes indeed, to help counseling practicum students (BTW: I’m currently available to help). I received free counseling sessions (!!!) while the student practiced. The sessions were videotaped and then viewed with the professor for a… Continue reading I’ve Served as a Guinea Pig. Wheek! Wheek!

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Delivering Warmth…A Great Way to Volunteer!

Reading Time: 3 minutes Re-post on volunteering, originally posted June 10, 2013. Last week I wrote of one of my first volunteer experiences as a Delivery Driver for Meals on Wheels. My route was in Alden, Iowa. I still remember several of the seniors I delivered to even though that was well over 30 years ago (and a reason… Continue reading Delivering Warmth…A Great Way to Volunteer!

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Is Your Glass 1/2 Full or 1/2 Empty Today? Personality Assessments Help Find Out!

Reading Time: 4 minutes Studying personalities is important to me. I’ve reviewed the results of many personality assessments and am a proponent of using assessment results if it helps you or who you are working with move forward in positive ways. One of the main personality dispositions is whether you are optimistic or pessimistic. (Which are you?) You can go to The… Continue reading Is Your Glass 1/2 Full or 1/2 Empty Today? Personality Assessments Help Find Out!

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