Reading Time: < 1 minute I’ve been blogging about my beauty for some time, so here’s a recent picture of ArinJune! Taken by talented (and soon to be retired if not yet!) photography expert Archie Webb for AJ’s 2014 North High School graduation. ArinJune Elizabeth Botkin This is my favorite shot! Please follow and like:

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Happy Birthday to Agatha Christie! Here’s Your Gift!

Reading Time: 2 minutes My birthday always corresponds with the ISU / UI rivalry! Good Job Clones! I personally hope the annual game continues into the future, cuz it allows the fans of these teams to be mean to each other! Ahem, boo Nick, my own son thinks Hawk. Today, my daughter left me a gift before flying off to… Continue reading Happy Birthday to Agatha Christie! Here’s Your Gift!

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Congratulations to my Beautiful Daughter….She Starts a New Job Today!

Reading Time: 3 minutes As I mentioned in last week’s post, Arin was in interviewing mode. She found success! Today she starts her training at the Des Moines Public Library. My daughter, a librarian aide! I love it. She is so excited! It’s a part-time position, which the library does for all aides, that pays pretty good! She will… Continue reading Congratulations to my Beautiful Daughter….She Starts a New Job Today!

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Happy Labor Day…Raise the Wage!

Reading Time: 3 minutes Today on The White House Blog there is a great post which is a copy of a message sent today by Labor Secretary Tom Perez and features his friend Ms.  Austraberta Rodriguez. Mr. Perez writes “So today, if you’re ready for a country that does right by Austraberta and the nearly 28 million Americans who stand to benefit… Continue reading Happy Labor Day…Raise the Wage!

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Bella The Working Dog ~ She Always Needs a Job

Reading Time: 2 minutes Last evening Bella romped around the public pool during the annual doggie dive. I’ve blogged in the past how I feel asking an evaluee / client about pet ownership is important as it tells me a lot about their lifestyle and what they value, especially if I actually get to meet the pet(s). Clearly, dog… Continue reading Bella The Working Dog ~ She Always Needs a Job

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Counseling is an Art and Loving to Read is Too!

Reading Time: 3 minutes This is a repeated blog entry from 5-14-12 and it fits right in with my writings on Art & Science. Plus I’ve included a video published 7/9/14 titled the Art of Counseling developed by CRCC (Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification.) CRCC (Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCZVNg3dhrU : A couple blogs or two back, I… Continue reading Counseling is an Art and Loving to Read is Too!

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Artist in Training…Talent, Skills and Practice

Reading Time: 3 minutes Continuing on from last week’s post and my stated interest in my final ethics paper, I’d like to learn more about art.  I am a pretty good sidewalk chalk artist! No really, I believe at my lovely age (wanna guess?), learning creative ways and techniques to spark new interests is good for the soul. This is… Continue reading Artist in Training…Talent, Skills and Practice

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Preparing to Graduate…Again!

Reading Time: 2 minutes Just an update to let my readers know I am nearly done with my most recent learning adventure through George Washington University….that lasted well over a year! I certainly learned a lot about forensics rehabilitation consulting, and really appreciate my cohort comprised of really smart rehabilitation counselors across the country! There are students from the… Continue reading Preparing to Graduate…Again!

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Reposts can be just as interesting as Reruns….Read on!

Reading Time: 2 minutes My story leading up to my career as a rehabilitation counselor who focuses on job placement continues.  Because I am blogging through time and space both forward and backward, I have no idea how many parts this story will go!  I hope you enjoy  reading my blogs. I recently made an executive decision to get… Continue reading Reposts can be just as interesting as Reruns….Read on!

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Alison is a Nice Name ~ Advanced Learning Interactive Systems Online

Reading Time: 2 minutes Alison stands for Advanced Learning Interactive Systems Online. Alison is an online open source educational website that provides over 500 high-quality, certified, multimedia courses, free to individual learners and groups of learners. Open source learning is exciting! Alison helps the user to develop essential workplace skills. There is a plethora of choices. You can chose from… Continue reading Alison is a Nice Name ~ Advanced Learning Interactive Systems Online

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