My World of Work is Like a Huge Exploration Project!

Reading Time: 3 minutes Initially Published:  Published on: Apr 29, 2013 My world of work requires tremendous mental and physical energy because the tasks and challenges involved in consulting are similar to a huge exploration project. I’m often called upon to locate hidden resources or unseen facts. So, after a full week, once Friday afternoon arrived on April 26, 2013,… Continue reading My World of Work is Like a Huge Exploration Project!

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Don’t Laugh if You’ve Done It!

Reading Time: 2 minutes Okay. This is not a first for me, but it is a first for me to admit it to the public. And you may have done it yourself so don’t laugh. Here’s the situation: All dressed up, ready to jump in the car and take off for an appointment. Must be on time! Let’s go! Oh… Continue reading Don’t Laugh if You’ve Done It!

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My Grandma Jean Loved to Read Using 2nd Sight!

Reading Time: 4 minutes Did you know, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau, that  women are nearly half  of our Nation’s workforce and more than half of our college graduates? Another interesting stat is the proportion of women with college degrees in the labor force has almost quadrupled since 1970. Guess what? My grandma Jean Dodge was a… Continue reading My Grandma Jean Loved to Read Using 2nd Sight!

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March is Women’s History Month…Thanks Good Boys!

Reading Time: 3 minutes March is Women’s History Month. The theme this year is women in science, mathematics, technology and engineering.  My husband thinks he is his school historian, so here’s his take….and my additions. It took women more than 72 years of arduous struggle to win the vote (called woman suffrage) from the Seneca Falls Convention on women’s… Continue reading March is Women’s History Month…Thanks Good Boys!

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350 days of leave! Work Ethic…Brag About It!

Reading Time: 2 minutes Okay, my last post for now on Randy (five consecutive Mondays is a bit excessive…)  Randy  is into his 20th year teaching for the Des Moines Public School District. He thinks he has around 350 days of sick leave accrued. He says you can only bank 250. I don’t know what that means…but I do… Continue reading 350 days of leave! Work Ethic…Brag About It!

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The Husker, Wag’s, Perkins, Garcia’s and More….on Work Ethic

Reading Time: 3 minutes Okay, in the 1980s Randy worked at a restaurant called The Husker; and later Wag’s when it was located in Merle Hay Mall. Anybody remember these places? He pretty much did whatever needed to be done to help operate the restaurants. Here’s a business card I found! Okay, time went by and because Randy refuses… Continue reading The Husker, Wag’s, Perkins, Garcia’s and More….on Work Ethic

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Randy’s Jobs, Work Ethic, and How About a Nap?

Reading Time: 3 minutes [Initially posted  Feb 4, 2013] I started writing about work ethic and about my husband too. There’s a reason or two for my posts on these subject matters, you can read my disclaimer here. But first, a little story about Randy.   As a teenager, one of Randy’s first jobs was as a newspaper carrier. He… Continue reading Randy’s Jobs, Work Ethic, and How About a Nap?

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Randy’s Jobs….and Quitting Okoboji for Good!

Reading Time: 2 minutes December 30, 2012. Perhaps a meaningful day in Randy’s work history. The day he “officially retired” from Okoboji Grill as a food server. In a previous blog, I wrote about working in a restaurant. Okay, he quit again, making this the 3rd or 4th time over a course of 20 years working at the restaurant that… Continue reading Randy’s Jobs….and Quitting Okoboji for Good!

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CAM – Complementary and Alternative Medicine – Try It, You’ll Like It!

Reading Time: 2 minutes In the past I wrote about the importance of focusing on your nutrition to help heal an injury .  As a rehabilitation counselor, I always ask others about their interest in CAM – Complementary and Alternative Medicine. If CAM is used alongside conventional medical treatment, then the therapy or treatment is used as a complementary treatment. However, if CAM… Continue reading CAM – Complementary and Alternative Medicine – Try It, You’ll Like It!

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2013 Year of the Snake…Fear of em or Love of em?

Reading Time: 3 minutes My sister Julie has had problems with snake(s) in her basement during the summer months in the past. She has actually learned how to deal with it rather admirably. I’m not sure if she had one last year or not, but I didn’t hear about it. Julie knows how to save em and send em… Continue reading 2013 Year of the Snake…Fear of em or Love of em?

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