Healing is Different Than Curing…Check out CAM

Reading Time: 2 minutesLast week I blogged about Exercise and Conditioning Help You Heal…and Rebounding! This week, in addition to exercising, I want to encourage you, if you are recovering from a physical injury, to consider alternative therapies.  I realize your doctor may or may not bring up the subject, and he or she may be more prone to prescribing… Continue reading Healing is Different Than Curing…Check out CAM

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Exercise and Conditioning Help You Heal…Try Rebounding!

Reading Time: 4 minutesI have blogged in the past about motivators and touched on a physical fitness course I took in my final semester at Iowa State University. This was the spring of 1995. In the course, we focused on conditioning and exercise techniques through personal fitness. The course taught me a lot, especially to be humble, to not worry about… Continue reading Exercise and Conditioning Help You Heal…Try Rebounding!

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Chicagoland….My Birthday….and the Riot Fest! What a weekend!

Reading Time: 3 minutesWe returned from Chicago early this morning, say like 2AM… and I suppose Randy is a bit tired from driving, basically, since Friday morning when we left our hotel at 6AM for other activities! But I’m sure he’s enjoying teaching today! We went to Downtown Chicago on Friday and checked out the sites. I always… Continue reading Chicagoland….My Birthday….and the Riot Fest! What a weekend!

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More On Mom’s Career at ECC…..Panther Pride!

Reading Time: 3 minutesContinuing on regarding my mother’s career… My mom Ann moved into a secretarial position in the Dean’s office at ECC, working for Dean Duane Lloyd beginning in 1980. Ann had a number of administrative duties, typing correspondence (from the Dean’s long hand scribbles), the board of director’s meetings, and other duties to help the Dean do his… Continue reading More On Mom’s Career at ECC…..Panther Pride!

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My Mom’s Jobs. From Typing Cookbooks to Court Clerk to Pool Manager!

Reading Time: 2 minutesIn June, I wrote about my dad Richard Prochnow and his work. Now on to my mom! During the years all five of us were at home in the 70s, going to school every weekday, my mom, Ann, worked out of the basement. She typed recipes for cookbooks. Using a manual typewriter, she typed up the ingredients… Continue reading My Mom’s Jobs. From Typing Cookbooks to Court Clerk to Pool Manager!

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Happy 57th Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Reading Time: < 1 minuteHappy 57th Anniversary Mom and Dad!   Richard and Ann Prochnow on their wedding day September 3, 1955. The second picture is in their back yard on July 4, 2012! Hope you have many, many more great days together! P.S. – We’ve got your gift!   Please follow and like:

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Seeking Help from Others…Michael from Malaysia and Eeyore from Pooh Corner!

Reading Time: 3 minutesOkay, next up to blog about is the Microeconomics for Non-Biology majors course I took in the Spring of 1995. Although I took micro and macroeconomics during my DMACC days (and recall doing okay), this course at ISU was overwhelming. Therefore I am proud to say, I sought out help!  I visited student services and… Continue reading Seeking Help from Others…Michael from Malaysia and Eeyore from Pooh Corner!

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Planning Steps, and Big Thumbs and Toes! I Blog for Public Relations Purposes

Reading Time: 3 minutesOriginally Published on: Aug 13, 2012 @ 06:00 In last week’s post I shared my due date; while Jacob Alan finally made his delayed debut on August 19, 1994! As the newest edition to the family, weighing in at 8 pounds 2¼ ounces, and being 20 ½ inches in length, we determined he was a… Continue reading Planning Steps, and Big Thumbs and Toes! I Blog for Public Relations Purposes

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