Patience, Persistence & Perseverance Dominate! Time for Spring & A New Consulting Strategy!

Reading Time: 3 minutesThere’s not much growing in our back yard but crocus which tells me it’s about time to spring forward with excitement for what else will arise out of the soil!  In fact, time is the essence of all life and an honored resource I wholly appreciate. I believe patience, persistence and perseverance are incredible qualities… Continue reading Patience, Persistence & Perseverance Dominate! Time for Spring & A New Consulting Strategy!

Dam! Need Help on a Case? I’ll Search Until I Find It!

Reading Time: 5 minutesSome days do you feel weird because part of your daily routine has changed? It happens quite regularly with me. Yes both, feeling weird and not having a typical day! Time that follows after finishing work on an in-depth legal case can feel unusual. How about the time after you’ve completed a project or a… Continue reading Dam! Need Help on a Case? I’ll Search Until I Find It!

Free Initial Consultation on Personal Injury Litigation, Give Me a Call!

Reading Time: 4 minutesFree is always my favorite Word of the Day! What about you? Does free rank right up there for you? If you’re not aware, Zombie Burger makes excellent milk shakes, and what’s really special is on your birthday, your shake is free!  The chocolate wedding cake shake is my favorite although it’s really “only a… Continue reading Free Initial Consultation on Personal Injury Litigation, Give Me a Call!

Happy Anniversary Vocational Resources Plus! Time to Stop and Smell The Roses!

Reading Time: 3 minutesOver the years, I’ve received many a rose and enjoy taking close ups of favorites. My original idea was to find exactly the correct number of single rose photos to celebrate the beginning of another year in business, which officially is September 15 of each year (my bd!).   It became quite a project to… Continue reading Happy Anniversary Vocational Resources Plus! Time to Stop and Smell The Roses!

My Brother Lived in Florida and Worked in Canada! Need to Highlight Your Client’s Vocational History??

Reading Time: 4 minutesBack when I wrote the I Changed My Mind post, I started to blog about my brother Steven John Patrick Henry Murphy Fred George John Prochnow.  Okay, aka Steven, Steve or even SJP. My brother Steve loved the 4th of July.  He sure loved the holiday activities and the fireworks! Water skiing was one of… Continue reading My Brother Lived in Florida and Worked in Canada! Need to Highlight Your Client’s Vocational History??

Did You Know Rabbits are Perfectly Capable of Believing Everything at Once?

Reading Time: 4 minutesI was quite fond of my office rabbit Mollie. She lived a long life and loved to lounge around, eat, drink and poop, and spent her other time binkying (read on!) Mollie died in her home on 8/8/2022. When I found her she was still warm and I was very saddened. Looks like she’s the… Continue reading Did You Know Rabbits are Perfectly Capable of Believing Everything at Once?

Lifting at Work and the Power of an Ant! Need a Job Analysis?

Reading Time: 4 minutesIn the past I’ve blogged about when my father managed a Culligan Soft Water branch. I remember watching the workers (like Gary and Big John!) move the 150# water softener tanks from the regeneration area onto the big trucks for the next step which is to drive to their customers’ locations. Growing up, we (my… Continue reading Lifting at Work and the Power of an Ant! Need a Job Analysis?

Got Motivation??? Let’s Just See!!!

Reading Time: 5 minutesDid you take the Why Do You Do Your Work assessment? Read on and at the bottom of my blog post, you’ll find a key with detail on your results!Motivation describes why a person does something. According to current psychology, motivation involves biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that initiate, guide, and maintain goal-oriented behaviors requiring endurance… Continue reading Got Motivation??? Let’s Just See!!!

The Truth About Job Accommodations from Dr. McNeil!

Reading Time: 3 minutesThis blog is taken directly from Dr. James McNeil’s recent posting to LinkedIn. He graciously agreed to allowing me to share it with you! Dr. McNeil is the Program Director & Assistant Professor of Counseling at Carolina University. He’s also on the CRCC Board of Directors! His profile describes that Dr. McNeil enjoys breaking down… Continue reading The Truth About Job Accommodations from Dr. McNeil!

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day ~ Thank Our City Workers!

Reading Time: 3 minutesA few years back, Des Moines Public Schools had planned to use Martin Luther King, Jr day as a snow make up day, but it was overturned by the school board based on good speaking and listening skills of many people. Since then, MLK’s Monday is for all of us to celebrate what he helped… Continue reading Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day ~ Thank Our City Workers!