Reading Time: < 1 minuteTake a little time to think about your early interests in life while watching this eye opening You Tube video ~ Childhood Interests Can Help You Find the Right Career which portrays a powerful connection between childhood interests and your career. The first business I started in my youth was a baby sitting service (not just being… Continue reading Childhood Interests Can Help You Find the Right Career
Tag: Job Placement
What is Job Placement? It’s a Professional Procedure!
Reading Time: 2 minutesJob Placement Can Be Viewed as a Professional Procedure The goal of the procedure is to facilitate the job search to locate a position that matches the person’s knowledge base, skill set, attributes, work capacities, interests, aptitudes and physical abilities. Location, work scheduling, level of earnings, benefits, opportunities for growth plus more are identified. Job… Continue reading What is Job Placement? It’s a Professional Procedure!