Got Questions? Ask the Vocational Expert!

Reading Time: 4 minutesMy work is helpful during litigation following an injury or condition that leads to disability.  In any type of litigation, if the disability or limitation is significant, more than likely there will be questions about work and future earnings. In fact, a multitude of questions will arise as the case develops. As a well-trained and… Continue reading Got Questions? Ask the Vocational Expert!

How Much Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost? How About Shoulder Surgery? Need Cost of Care During Litigation?

Reading Time: 6 minutesThe first part of this blog is about an experience many of us endured in our early-to-mid 20s: have your wisdom teeth removed! If you’ve been through this type of medical procedure, it is something you do not forget. I remember sitting in “the chair” having mine pulled out way back when I was young!… Continue reading How Much Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost? How About Shoulder Surgery? Need Cost of Care During Litigation?

“Somebody Call for An Expert?” I’ll Answer That Call!

Reading Time: 3 minutesI’ve written about my fondness for Eeyore and want you to know I’m a bit attached to Gopher as well, especially when he comes to the rescue! You’ve heard the story when Pooh eats too much honey (honey is often on Pooh’s mind) at Rabbit’s place, gets rotund, and subsequently gets stuck in Rabbit’s front… Continue reading “Somebody Call for An Expert?” I’ll Answer That Call!