2013 Year of the Snake…Fear of em or Love of em?

Reading Time: 3 minutesMy sister Julie has had problems with snake(s) in her basement during the summer months in the past. She has actually learned how to deal with it rather admirably. I’m not sure if she had one last year or not, but I didn’t hear about it. Julie knows how to save em and send em… Continue reading 2013 Year of the Snake…Fear of em or Love of em?

My Dad’s Work…And Retirement!

Reading Time: 4 minutesContinuing on from my post on Father’s Day about my father Dick Prochnow, and his work…. After he was fired in 1993, even though the situation clearly was not warranted, came out of the blue, and was unjustified, dad didn’t falter.  Shortly thereafter, he applied for work at a local construction company and was hired… Continue reading My Dad’s Work…And Retirement!

My Dad and His Work. Happy Fathers Day!

Reading Time: 3 minutesWhen I was growing up my dad, Dick Prochnow, continued his career with Culligan Soft Water that began in 1959 in Northbrook, Illinois.  Here’s the link to my original post on How did I get into Rehab Counseling? Dad started as a material handler in the plant, doing prepackaging as well as painting work, and supervising a… Continue reading My Dad and His Work. Happy Fathers Day!