Reading Time: 4 minutesMy work is helpful during litigation following an injury or condition that leads to disability. In any type of litigation, if the disability or limitation is significant, more than likely there will be questions about work and future earnings. In fact, a multitude of questions will arise as the case develops. As a well-trained and… Continue reading Got Questions? Ask the Vocational Expert!
Tag: Vocational Consulting
A Bouquet of Gerbera to Share, Along with My Vocational Assessment Services
Reading Time: 4 minutesI’d like to share a beautiful bouquet of gerbera daisy with you, my Attorney Reader! With these flowers, I remind myself of how valuable you are to me as my client and how I am specially equipped to serve you as your consultant. Thank you for taking some of your valuable time to look around… Continue reading A Bouquet of Gerbera to Share, Along with My Vocational Assessment Services
Conflicting Medical Opinions? Handle With Care!
Reading Time: 8 minutesUpon referral of a vocational case, I review a variety of medical data, for example, treating physician reports, functional capacity evaluations, independent medical evaluations and if available psychological data like psychometric testing, psychological evaluations, and psychiatric evaluations found within the file. During a litigated claim that involves work and disability, it’s important for me to… Continue reading Conflicting Medical Opinions? Handle With Care!
Thanks for Thinking of Me! Why Wait to Place Me Into Action? Need A Vocational Expert on Your Case?
Reading Time: 3 minutesI enjoy consulting with attorneys. It involves learning about your questions; then using my expertise to provide an answer or two! The fact is consulting work involves extraordinary amounts of mental processing. Let me tell you, my brain gets a lot of action and yes, I work out physically, too! I don’t know about your… Continue reading Thanks for Thinking of Me! Why Wait to Place Me Into Action? Need A Vocational Expert on Your Case?
Randy and His Perpetual Flip Off! Need an Expert on Your Case Involving Work & Disability?
Reading Time: 4 minutesEdited from an original post~~~>! The evening before my dad’s funeral in May 2016, my husband Randy walked our dog Bella (who gracefully crossed her rainbow bridge 9/1/21) while holding his cell phone in one hand to talk to my mother about his part in the service, the other hand held the leash. Bella’s a… Continue reading Randy and His Perpetual Flip Off! Need an Expert on Your Case Involving Work & Disability?
Here to Help The Passionate Attorney Help Your Client ~ Life Care Planning Services
Reading Time: 4 minutesAlong with vocational consulting services, I offer you life care planning services. Life Care Planning Services are valuable to passionate attorneys such as yourself: One who works to your fullest potential for your clients; One who truly cares about your client; and One who strives to maximize the best outcome for your client. A Life Care Plan will help… Continue reading Here to Help The Passionate Attorney Help Your Client ~ Life Care Planning Services
When, Where & Why You Need a Life Care Planner for Your Litigated Case & Who Can Help? Me!
Reading Time: 3 minutesWhen Do You Need a Life Care Planner? Typically a life care planner is helpful for legal cases involving catastrophic injuries or chronic health conditions. Lawyers, physicians, and insurance companies can hire a life care planner to research, analyze and develop life care plans for patients who experience catastrophic injuries or chronic health conditions related… Continue reading When, Where & Why You Need a Life Care Planner for Your Litigated Case & Who Can Help? Me!
Need to Retain a Vocational Expert? I’m Here to Help on My Birthday!
Reading Time: 3 minutesAs a forensic rehabilitation consultant, I could be available as your next retained expert! Are you in need of someone like me? My unique consulting services help attorneys identify insights into a litigated case while first-hand testimony helps others to understand it. In fact, listing me as an expert may spark movement in the… Continue reading Need to Retain a Vocational Expert? I’m Here to Help on My Birthday!
Happy Anniversary Vocational Resources Plus! Time to Stop and Smell The Roses!
Reading Time: 3 minutesOver the years, I’ve received many a rose and enjoy taking close ups of favorites. My original idea was to find exactly the correct number of single rose photos to celebrate the beginning of another year in business, which officially is September 15 of each year (my bd!). It became quite a project to… Continue reading Happy Anniversary Vocational Resources Plus! Time to Stop and Smell The Roses!
Life Care Planning Helps Attorneys in Ways & in All Phases of Litigation! Really!
Reading Time: 4 minutesHave you considered a Life Care Plan as part of your litigation strategy to help your client? Life Care Planning helps attorneys in many ways and in all phases of litigation. The actual plan itself becomes a comprehensive document that provides for the future care and associated costs of a person facing a serious illness or… Continue reading Life Care Planning Helps Attorneys in Ways & in All Phases of Litigation! Really!