Randy and Abe’s Work Ethic…Pretty Impressive! Plus a Kiss!

Reading Time: 4 minutesRandy has taught the wonderfully well-behaved youth in our community (hee hee) since 1992 as an instructor for the Des Moines Public School District. He has taught at a regular high school and at various alternative schools, being involved in many different programs. He currently is a work experience coordinator and offers students opportunities for… Continue reading Randy and Abe’s Work Ethic…Pretty Impressive! Plus a Kiss!

Need an Expert Witness on Your Litigated Case? Gulp!!

Reading Time: 4 minutesHappy Turkey-less Day to those who won’t be gobbling a gobbler this Thanksgiving!  I personally won’t because I continue as a pescatarian (not sure how many years and not sure my reason but it’s stuck for a long time). I do love the smell and taste of turkey; and I of course who can’t love… Continue reading Need an Expert Witness on Your Litigated Case? Gulp!!

Got Motivation??? Let’s Just See!!!

Reading Time: 5 minutesDid you take the Why Do You Do Your Work assessment? Read on and at the bottom of my blog post, you’ll find a key with detail on your results!Motivation describes why a person does something. According to current psychology, motivation involves biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that initiate, guide, and maintain goal-oriented behaviors requiring endurance… Continue reading Got Motivation??? Let’s Just See!!!

Happy 56th Birthday Randy! Get on Your Bike and Ride!

Reading Time: 3 minutesHappy 56th Birthday to my husband Randy! September 29 is also Randy’s mother’s birthday. Marylin would’ve turned 76 today. She’s been in heaven for 20 years now. How many women have babies on their birthdays? Pretty cool, huh! I’m curious of the odds. The lines from from the Beatles Birthday Song from the White Album… Continue reading Happy 56th Birthday Randy! Get on Your Bike and Ride!

Don’t Be a Dumb Bunny, Use Your Soft Skills to Your Advantage

Reading Time: 4 minutesI pay close attention to transferable skills when assessing employability, especially those skills we have come to call “soft”. Soft skills refer to interpersonal abilities that enhance an individual’s interactions with others, career prospects and performance on the job. Soft skills are comprised of personality attributes or habits (no not rabbits >-=], social graces, communication,… Continue reading Don’t Be a Dumb Bunny, Use Your Soft Skills to Your Advantage

Happy Labor Day to All of Iowa’s Workers!

Reading Time: 4 minutes(Original Post Date 9/7/2015) Iowa has a great reputation for strong work ethic! We know it! And from what I’ve heard, ask most any Floridian employer and if you’re from Iowa, you applied and you got the skills….you’re hired!! Click here for a free online Occupational Work Ethic Inventory (OWEI). Personally, I am incredibly proud of… Continue reading Happy Labor Day to All of Iowa’s Workers!

The Peacock: Poem, Feathers and Symbolism in My Life

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe Peacock written by Amy E. Botkin 1/24/15 CRHP Retreat Look past the strutting and into the beauty. As the morning begins, we praise. The sun shines through the multicolored stained glass. We reflect on our journey through life. Our hearts flutter at joy in such holy surroundings. The mixing of colors, teal, green, yellow, blue….they glow, spread, encompass….our hearts,… Continue reading The Peacock: Poem, Feathers and Symbolism in My Life

I Agree, Whatever Makes You Happy You Put in Your World! How About a Chocolate Long John!

Reading Time: 4 minutesAs I wrote about last week, Randy received the 2015 Alternative Educator of the Year! At the April 21, 2015 Des Moines Public School District Board Meeting he received recognition. Randy endured quite a bit of silliness and a lot of congratulations from his co-workers at Scavo High School about this “award” but all in all, be… Continue reading I Agree, Whatever Makes You Happy You Put in Your World! How About a Chocolate Long John!

Be Honest, Save A Purse! Keeping Track is a Necessary Skill in My Work

Reading Time: 2 minutesOriginal post date: Jan 12, 2015 Recently, I freaked out…the adrenalin spiked quickly the moment I fully realized it was gone. This was a wild mind body stressful experience!  You know what I mean (I hope, if not, and you don’t carry a purse, well, read no further..!) Ever lost your wallet? Anything realllly important?… Continue reading Be Honest, Save A Purse! Keeping Track is a Necessary Skill in My Work